Paged Media initiative - meeting agenda Meeting to be held at MIT Press (Cambridge, MA) on 9 January 8.30 - Start, Coffee and pastries 9.00 - Introductions 9.15 - Introduction to PagedMedia Project by Adam Hyde 9.30 - 20 minute show and tells (& discussion) by Dave Cramer, Nellie McKesson, Julien Taquet, Julie Blanc, Kathi Fletcher, Arthur Attwell, Hugh McGuire 12.00 - Lunch (onsite) 1.00 - Julie Blanc - PagedMedia Findings & discussion 1.45 - Fred Chasen - PagedMedia Findings & discussion 2.30 - Open sessions on PagedMedia 5.00 - Closing The main aim of this meeting is to seed the open source PagedMedia project as a community project, talk about pagination and paged media controls, and kick start the development to solve these needs. This one day kick off event will be facilitated by Adam Hyde.
Where is this conference held? How can someone register? Is there a livestream? So many questions and no answers I can find on the page… 🙁
Hello Tobias
Those details were in the announcement of the initiative which preceded the Agenda. The meeting is being hosted by MIT Press [Cambridge, Massachusetts] on January 9.