Paged.js can work with other JavaScripts to extend the type of content you are trying to produce. Today, we will look at a very simple use case: the addition of an external script transforming Math content before pagination.
Category: digital first publishing
Editoria — Building a Book in a Browser
A couple of years ago, the University of California Press and the California Digital Library partnered with Coko to begin an ambitious project to develop a workflow application that would allow books to be built in a browser using entirely open source technologies. Editoria is that app.
Introducing Hederis, and Why We Care So Much About Pagination
At Hederis, we’re combining the concepts of WYSIWYG design and automated publishing in an attempt to solve the problems I’ve seen time and again in both the traditional and automated book-making workflows.
Paged Media approaches (Part 2 of 2)
In the previous post, I wrote about different paged media approaches. Now, in Part 2, we focus on another method based on the CSS Paged Media Module and the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module.
OpenStax : One textbook, many displays
My presentation from the workshop covers extensive examples of OpenStax’s Sociology textbook in many different formats and locations and then looks at the ways that we use css and transforms to create print and web versions of the books that can be used coherently together.
Paged Media approaches (Part 1 of 2)
Designing a book or a print-ready PDF requires that you think by pages. This is the major difference between formatting for the web and for PDF/Print. In a browser, we are able to implement a fixed height block with overflowing/scrollable content or automatic height block based on content. But for print/PDF, we need to be able to create pages of HTML content i.e. we need to be able to fractionate the content.

Book production with CSS Paged Media at Fire and Lion
Multiformat thinking is hard. The whole point of our digital-first approach is to store content only once, and produce multiple formats automatically. This puts tremendous pressure on project managers, developers, authors, editors, designers and proofreaders to think in multiple formats at once.
Paged Media Open Source initiative
PagedMedia is launching a new community-led development at MIT Press (Cambridge, MA) on January 9. The project will develop a suite of Javascripts to paginate HTML/CSS in the browser, and to apply PagedMedia controls to paginated content for the purposes of exporting print-ready, or display-friendly, PDF from the browser. This will be an Open Source initiative, appropriately licensed with the MIT license.