At Hederis, we’re combining the concepts of WYSIWYG design and automated publishing in an attempt to solve the problems I’ve seen time and again in both the traditional and automated book-making workflows.
Paged Media approaches (Part 2 of 2)
In the previous post, I wrote about different paged media approaches. Now, in Part 2, we focus on another method based on the CSS Paged Media Module and the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module.
OpenStax : One textbook, many displays
My presentation from the workshop covers extensive examples of OpenStax’s Sociology textbook in many different formats and locations and then looks at the ways that we use css and transforms to create print and web versions of the books that can be used coherently together.
Paged Media approaches (Part 1 of 2)
Designing a book or a print-ready PDF requires that you think by pages. This is the major difference between formatting for the web and for PDF/Print. In a browser, we are able to implement a fixed height block with overflowing/scrollable content or automatic height block based on content. But for print/PDF, we need to be able to create pages of HTML content i.e. we need to be able to fractionate the content.

Book production with CSS Paged Media at Fire and Lion
Multiformat thinking is hard. The whole point of our digital-first approach is to store content only once, and produce multiple formats automatically. This puts tremendous pressure on project managers, developers, authors, editors, designers and proofreaders to think in multiple formats at once.
Agenda for January meeting of Paged Media initiative
Meeting to be held at MIT Press (Cambridge, MA) on 9 January
Paged Media Open Source initiative
PagedMedia is launching a new community-led development at MIT Press (Cambridge, MA) on January 9. The project will develop a suite of Javascripts to paginate HTML/CSS in the browser, and to apply PagedMedia controls to paginated content for the purposes of exporting print-ready, or display-friendly, PDF from the browser. This will be an Open Source initiative, appropriately licensed with the MIT license.
Latest comments
Hi Fred! Somehow your comment only appeared in my list today. Firefox is not a browser paged.js supports today, because it lacks the @page {size} property. So we're focusing on chromium (which is really something we dislike for a lot of reasons). Also, seems like you have a complex issue on hand, so we'll be happy to help. Thanks!
Hi, I have a long table (spans over 4 pages in chrome and safari) but it doesn't break into multiple pages in Firefox when using paged.polyfill.js. I get the table on first page only with some overflow content in Firefox. Any possible reason that I'm missing or anything that can help me to fix it in firefox? Thanks in Advance!!
That sounds right, the polyfill is looking for a template tag - we should scope that to only find a tag with a reference to pagedjs.
Pretty interesting use case Karmil. Perhaps you want to jump in to our chat channel and discuss?
Finding your project comes as a blessing sent from heaven. Well done for the event. I really appreciate the work you and your team are doing. I am very new to programming and have been learning Meteor with Blazejs with mongoDB as database. I am more of a business/management person and trying to develop line of business application which ends up in the generation of well formatted management reports (which people currently do in MS Word). I managed to get pagedjs to work in Meteor but it is creating two blank pages at the start if I wrap my content into anything else other than a tag (for e.g., if I wrap it in a , two blank pages come at the front). I believe this may have something to do with the fact that blazejs uses the element to define its templates and in paged.js line 26882, it is using a querySelector to target template element to grab the content. Maybe a different element name should be selected. The reason why that this may be of interest to your team is that i believe there is a market not only for publishers to use your code, but also corporate businesses who are in need of producing executive reports with dynamic data generated from databases. mongoDB databases and easily learnt frameworks like Meteor will allow non-programmers to develop applications in their respective fields. I would be very happy if you could help me out on this. Thank you.
Bonjour, Je souhaite assister au workshop Jeudi 29 et vendredi 30 novembre, je suis interessé par les opportunités offertes par la techno web sur l'édition. Bien à vous, Elias
Good morning Julie – and thanks for this very useful overview of current options. I shall be reading it again (several times!) to try and understand them,since this is a new area to me.
Glad to hear that Mauro! So, we have some hooks that let you pass some js in a few different entry points. But it really depends on what you want to achieve. A proper documentations for the hooks and some examples are coming (including maths, side notes, etc.). Meantime, you can jump in the pagedmedia to talk with us about your specific needs.
Thanks, I finally got around to giving paged.js a try. Looks promising! Is there a way to trigger a re-render? Say, I call `paged.preview(DOMContent...`, then change the DOMContent. If I simply call paged.preview again, I get: `Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined` in `chunker/page.js` in `var area = page.querySelector(".pagedjs_page_content");` Thanks!
Hi, I wonder if it is possible to reset the page counter after a certain element? I tried `counter-reset: page;` but it didn't seem to work. My use case is to use roman numerals for the frontmatter of the book (`content: counter(page, lower-roman);`), but change to decimal when the first chapter starts.